Thursday 23 February 2017

Good Enough?

"We underestimate ourselves although we are stardust," Lakshmi said.

This one line was the inspiration behind this post.

I'm sure many of you reading this blog may have wondered. You may have wondered things like "Am I smart enough?" "Am I skinny enough?" "Am I strong enough?" "Am I witty enough?". Basically, we have all wondered, at some point, whether what we have to offer was good enough. Whether we were good enough.

I'm also sure many of you would have felt, no, you weren't good enough. You weren't smart enough to get the grades your parents yearned to see in your report book. You weren't pretty enough to be Instagram-famous. Some of you, may have even contemplated ending this life where basically, nothing you did was good enough for anyone.

But I'm here to tell you that you are good enough. You are good enough in your own unique way. We all have some special area that we are talented at. An area where we are appreciated. Something we're so good at, people will miss us if they lose us.

This thing that you're good at. It doesn't need to be something as brilliant or complicated as rocket science. It doesn't even need to be as tangible as money or good looks. It can be something as simple as giving great hugs. Or having a good sense of style when pairing clothes. Or being able to randomly spout your own lyrics to an existing song. All that matters is that you IDENTIFY this thing you're good at and appreciate yourself. 

I can tell you, as long as you've done your best (or at least tried to), the people who matter will always believe you are good enough. Your parents will believe that your exam results are good enough if they've seen and realised that you did do your best. The people around you will realise that you're witty enough if they've seen your remarks progress from saltless to saltily witty ;)

So don't go around feeling like you aren't good enough, just because other people make you feel that way! Just remember your strength and take pride in it, and do your best in all that you do.

My point is?

Just give everything you do your 100%, and you'll be good enough :)

Wait a minute guys, I just realised this post isn't over yet.

You saw the quote which inspired this post at the beginning of this entry, but I've yet to tell you how it refers back to what I'm trying to say.

Basically, by saying "I'm not good enough", you are underestimating your worth, and essentially, yourselves. We are all stardust and sparkle in our own unique ways, with our individual talents and specialities :)

I really hope this post made you people feel like you're good enough hehe :)

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