Monday, 14 November 2016


What is YOUTH?

To some people, youth is 18 years of age, doomzi-ing the nights away in a club, getting high on drinks and stuff, and basically living the high life.

To other people, youth is having a voice not yet broken; a childhood not yet shattered, and adulthood not yet within reach.

What is youth to me?

To me, youth is believing that age is truly just a number which does not define us as people belonging to varying levels in society.

Youth is feeling blithe and cheerful always, and showing it in everything we do, from how we smile to how we speak :)

Youth is not in trying to blend in with the 18-year-olds, but instead in actually being one of them - at heart :)

Youth is being able to see the beauty and joy in the little things that matter :)

Youth is understanding that value does not lie in the years in our life, but in the life in our years instead :)

My perception of youth in this manner was shaped to a large extent by one of my lecturers (although he doesn't realise hehe). He's always smiling and cheerful, and naturally speaks using words that we use too, and treats us all like we're equals. No, he isn't a fresh graduate in his early 20s. He's actually old enough to be a father to children, the eldest of whom might possibly be approaching their 20s. But it's the little things that made me feel as though there's plenty of youth in him; the way he says a cheery, "Why late lah brother?" instead of a fierce "Why are you late?" to someone who enters class late; the way the word "legit" falls naturally in between his sentences. I have seen other lecturers attempt to try and come down to our level and try to be "one of the kids" or whatever it is they think they're doing, but so far I've only seen 2 lecturers succeed at truly being one of us. This is all due to the youth within them which influences their interactions with us :)

Moral of the story: Don't restrict youth to people younger than 35 years old!! Youth is there for everyone!! :)

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